Wednesday, May 28, 2008

O Canada!

So I went to Canada last week for some work training. Kitchener, Ontario, to be exact. It was rather uneventful. Basically learned about software, yippee! Haha. Anyways, on Thursday a co-worker, Ivan, and I went to Toronto after work to go see a Blue Jays game. It was pretty fun. I had never been to Toronto (at least that I can remember) and it seemed to be really nice. It was hard to tell what the surrounding suburbs were like, as we were only on the freeway. But the downtown area was great. Everything seemed to be newer, or at least well maintained, and it was just clean in general. I've never been to Europe, so take this next comment for what it's worth, but it had a European feel to it in my opinion. Cultural, ya know? In the few hours we were there I saw all sorts of people. We also found a cool little pub after the game where I drank a Heineken and some local Canadian micro brew. This might sound stupid, but I was a little surprised to find that it was actually a city. A city in the sense that it was bigger than I pictured, and it had public transit...a subway and rail service. Unlike *cough* Phoenix *cough, cough* it actually felt like a legitimate city. All Phoenix is is one giant suburb for the most part. We're finally getting some light rail, so we'll see how that works out.

All in all it was a nice quick visit. The Blue Jays won, the weather was nice - sunny but cool, probably low 50's - and the beer was good. Oh yeah, the CN Tower was pretty cool at night, and we swung by Niagara Falls the next day on the way to the airport. I have pictures, but I'm not at home right now. Pictures soon to follow.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Goodbye Scooter!

I finally sold my smaller scooter this last weekend. It was bitter-sweet, because that thing treated me very well when I was using it back in Michigan, but it was time for it to go as it didn't fit my lifestyle out here in AZ. My bigger scooter is nice. It gets about 60 mpg, goes about 60 mph and is way cheaper to maintain than a car. But that little Honda Metropolitan got 100 mpg...however, it topped out at only 40 mph, which was the key point for selling it. It just wasn't practical for the type of roads I currently live near. Anyways, here's one last tribute to the scoot that got me started...

This was the first day that I got it... :)

And this was one of it's last days... :(

We had some good times buddy! I'm gonna miss you! :)

Good thing it's just a scooter, or else I might be sad for more than five seconds, haha. And pertaining to Rod's sermon from Sunday about's not like I can take it with me when I die anyways! In that case, good riddance! Haha.

Alright, I'm done now.

Heart Rate #2

I have a new all time low...yesterday I was at 42 bpm.

I started to wonder if the machine was broken or something, but after I thought about it I don't think so. My blood pressure seems to be in line with past results. Plus today I did it again and it said I was at 54 bpm. I usually have it measured at the end of the day, so maybe that's why it's so low. Sitting for seven hours straight doesn't really take much effort I suppose.