Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh Windows...

I've heard that being copied is the best form of flattery. If that's true, then Windows must really think Apple is the bomb! They already tried to copy the iPod with the Zune, and now they have made a near blatant copy borrowed from Apple's "Get a Mac" commercials. Come on Microsoft. You're telling me with all of those BILLIONS of dollars you can't find someone that has an original idea? Microsoft's "newest" commercial is shown below.


Ryan Moore said...

wow. that was the best the mighty microsoft could come up with?!

how about:
"I'm an PC and I could be anyone"
"I'm a PC and I don't realize Macs are better"
"I'm a PC and I'm riddled with viruses"

or even better,a PC confession:

"I'm a PC, but secretly I wish I were a Mac."

EMo said...

Haha, those are awesome! I love how they used Jerry Seinfeld too, considering he was in an Apple commercial like 10 years ago!

Silly Microsoft.