Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Government Can Not Save Us

I realize the election is old news by now, but I've come across a couple of good links to articles that pretty much sum up exactly why I don't like politics for the most part.

In general, I've never understood how people get so worked up over politics.  Or in their words, why they are passionate about politics.  Call it what you want, but it's never made much sense to me.  I mean sure, I have my opinions, and I vote, but I think you all know what I'm talking about. The people you can't even mention a topic without it turing into a political debate. Just look at those talking heads you always see on the news channels.  Everything, to them, is done for a political reason.

It drives me crazy sometimes how people talk about one candidate or another.  Or about how this candidate will make the USA good again and save us all; or how that same candidate will be a disgrace to everyone.  As if the government or democrats or republicans can change us all for the better? That'll be the day.

As a Christian, I've always found it hard to "endorse" any candidate. For me I always seem to pick the lesser of two evils.  Until Jesus decides to run for president, I don't think I could ever truly endorse anyone. are the articles. They're both pretty short.  You should read them.


Bentley said...

I read this article about shopping the day after Thanksgiving, and on couple explained that they decided to up their spending for Christmas this year (by like 1200 bucks) with the explanation "We're shopping for Obama

EMo said...

Yeah, that's crazy. That's like how in the "In God We Do Not Trust" article he says,

"In this election, people thirst for a savior who will atone for their economic sins of buying things they did not need with money they did not have."

That couple is spending $1200 extra dollars thinking somehow that Obama will save them if/when they hit hards times.

It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad.