Saturday, June 14, 2008

Desert Summer & Golf

I think it's safe to say that the summer heat has officially arrived. Until about the two weeks ago, or I guess you could say June 1st, it had been pretty nice for the most part. Since living out here, I've heard many people say how the heat starts in May. Apparently not this year or last. In my opinion May is very nice for the most part; it's usually in the 90's. There were a few days around the 100 mark, but even that's not too bad. However, the last whole week, for sure, has been 100+ every day...with tomorrow's forecast at 111. Maybe it's because this is my second summer out here, so I'm more used to it, but it doesn't seem to be as hot as I remembered it. I mean don't get me wrong, it's hot, but it's not that bad really. It's not like it's so hot you can't do anything outside. You'll just sweat more. For instance, today Stantec had it's annual golf outing, and I was fine. Sweaty, but fine. I was prepared though. I had shorts, a polo shirt (it was a nice course, they had a dress code), a hat, water, and a copious amount of sun block. Now if you showed up with pants, no hat, no sun block, and no water, you'd be hurtin' for a certerin'!

I guess I feel like a lot of people blow way out of proportion how hot and "miserable" it gets here. But, maybe I'm abnormal and can adjust better than most. Like I said before, it's definitely hot and can be uncomfortable at times, but I would argue it's a set of mind. If you think it's going to be hot, expect it to be hot, and prepare for it, you'll do fine. But if you hope that it won't be hot, or ignore the fact that it will be hot, then you sir, will almost certainly end up "miserable".

Anyways...the summer heat has definitely arrived now. Golf was fun. It was a four person scramble; we shot 1 over for the day, which was pretty average compared with everyone else. However, apparently there were some ballers out there, cause the winning team came in at 14 under par. Not too bad on 18 holes.

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