Wednesday, October 22, 2008


There's this online e-book that the pastor of my church suggested that guys should read. It's written by Mark Driscoll, who is a pastor of a church in Seattle, WA. His e-book is about how guys struggle with sexual sin; lusting over girls, pornography, strip clubs, masturbation, etc, and how damaging it can be.  The name of his book is, Porn Again Christian, which I suppose is fairly ironic in itself, but that's not what I'm writing about. It's really good. Probably the best thing I've ever read on the topic. It's pretty blunt and forthright on the topic, so you've been warned.  It's not raunchy or anything like that, but I think you get the drift. Also, with that being said, it potentially could make a woman pretty uncomfortable reading about what goes through the dirty minds of men, so definitely read the introduction first, so as to get a feel for what you are about to get into.

Anyways...after reading about all of this stuff, I was driving out to lunch today and was stopped by a light.  There was a driveway in front of me with a car waiting, so I left some room so it could pull out.  As I was waiting for the light to change, I realized that this driveway was connected to the parking lot of a strip club.  Not only that, but the car waiting to pull out in front of me contained a young woman who definitely fit the profile of an "exotic dancer".  As the light turned green, she gave a smile and a wave, and she was on her way.  I couldn't help but laugh a little at the irony of the whole situation, that only myself and God was aware of at the moment.

If you are a guy and have any sort of struggle with sexual sin (which is pretty much every guy I have ever met), I would recommend checking out the e-book.  It's not a long book, so there's no reason not to check it out really.  Driscoll is preaching on the Song of Songs right now, and is releasing parts of the e-book as he goes.  So at the moment, not all of it is available, but it will be shortly.  The parts that I have read so far have been very informative.  I suggest reading it all, introduction and everything.  Might take you an hour to read the whole thing.  Here's the link:

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