Monday, October 27, 2008


Can be ridiculous sometimes. Ok, maybe all the time.*  

I've heard the republican party dubbed as the "Christian" party, more times than I can remember, but that doesn't make sense to me.  The last time I checked, Jesus was anti war, cared about helping out the poor, and I can only assume that he probably wouldn't approve of everyone having the "right" to be packing heat (carry a gun). That doesn't exactly fit the profile of a typical republican.  

The democrats don't make sense either.  It seems like they want to penalize you for being successful financially, and tax the crap out of you. All so the government can "redistribute" the wealth. Granted, this typically only affects the most wealthy people in America, but why should they have to hand over their hard earned money to the government who hardly seems to know what to do with it?  That's not very "fair" in my opinion.  When you start going down that road you're on a slippery slope to what could lead to Socialism; and that is definitely not what America was founded on. 
Another thing about the democrats is that they seem to be less religious, which is fine I guess, I realize not everyone is going to believe in God. But if you don't believe in some higher power, where are you getting your morals/wisdom from? Yourself? Right. Might as well go talk to your tree in your backyard and appoint it as your top advisor.  At least you would have someone to go to for environmental issues.

Anyways, my whole point is that I don't know the history of how the two main party lines came about, but it doesn't make sense to me.  And the more I learn about what each side supports, the more I'm realizing I don't fit the profile for either one. I'm sure there are other pros and cons to each party that I left out, but I think you get the drift.

Basically, the democrats are too liberal, and the republicans are too conservative (whatever that means).  It's crazy to me how so many people can be so supportive of one side or the other.  As soon as there is a party that is anti war, anti abortion, wants to legitimately help the poor, and use the environment in a responsible way, then sign me up.  Until then, I guess I'll just have to pick the lesser of the two evils.

*Disclaimer: I realize I'm making some huge stereotypes here, but isn't that what politics are all about? :)

1 comment:

Ryan Moore said...

tree in your backyard as an advisor! that's funny!