Saturday, February 16, 2008


I was all pumped today because we were supposed to have our first soccer game. Well, turns out it was canceled because it rained...YESTERDAY!?! What a joke. I guess that's what happens when you barely have enough water to sustain your field/grass in the first place. If we would go play when it's all wet, by the time next week's game rolled around the field would be dirt.


Bentley said...

at least you can play outdoors

EMo said...

So can you! Just wear a big snowsuit! :)

Bentley said...

You have an ad for lexis light scooters on your page, I checked it out, I can just see you chugging along in one of those,

EMo said...

haha, those are dope! I bet I could pimp it out and get 7 or 8 MPH out of it.

Duane said...

Bummer about the rain. What are the odds in AZ?!? Better luck next Sat.